Thomas and Jane Rose had seven children, six of whom had families.
The genealogy of these families, is organised in what is known as The Henry System
of numbering.
For the purpose of identification, Thomas and Jane's first son is referred to as Thomas II Rose. He was married firstly to Jane Jones, to whom he had two children, and subsequently to Ann Crew, adding 14 children to the family. Thomas II Rose is numbered 1; being the first born child.
If we look at his second marriage, the first digit of the left hand side of the children, 1, identifies Thomas as the father. The second digit, 1 = Sarah Rose, 2 = Mary Ann Rose etc as the order of birth.
Clicking on the rose icon will open a window with the names of the third generation of the Rose family.
1 Thomas II Rose m Jane Jones 1800
11 Thomas Rose
12 William Rose m Bridget Neal 1840
1 Thomas II Rose m Ann Crew 1812
11 Sarah Rose 1813 - 1813
12 Mary Ann Rose 1815 - 1815
13 John Rose 1816 - 1835
14 Elizabeth Mary m William John Cobcroft 1840
15 George William Rose m Elizabeth Palmer (Rodgers) 1856
16 Joseph Rose m Alice Esther Graham 1854
17 Mary Ann Rose m Matthias Graham 1850
18 Richard Rose m Rosanna Green (Richardson) 1848
19 Keziah Jane Rose 1827 - 1828
IX James Lionel Rose m Isabella Elizabeth Cross 1856
1A Maria Rose m George Stewart 1853
1B Charlotte Rose m(1) James Flannery 1851
1B Charlotte Rose m(2) Richard Carter 1858
1C Charles Rose m Mary Anne Green 1859
1D Catherine Rose 1838 - 1839
2 Mary Rose m William Green (1) 1800
2 Mary Rose m Henry Murray (2) 1807
2 Mary Rose m James Singleton (3) 1814